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S cial He t

Are you a social media marketing agency ?

Do your clients want more insights from you ?

​With every passing second, data is being created and collected while running campaigns on social media. Timestamps, platforms, devices, age, gender, impressions, conversions, and the list goes on. This is valuable data for you and your clients. What if you can use this data to go beyond proof-of-concept target market analysis ? Let our heat maps help you discover nuances in your target groups for ad campaigns. 


Welcome to Social Heat : Our social media marketing reporting solution. 

Save money ! Market Better !

Our Sample Heatmap
WhatsApp Image 2018-07-21 at 12.03.55.jpeg

What demographics respond the most to your ads ?
On which devices are your ads seen the most ?
What times of the day were your ads effective ?
How does
frequency effect conversion ? 
What are the best performing ads based on leads ?
 Which ads provide the best cost per lead (CPL) ?
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